Get Published with Dent!We're accepting submissions for our Publication! Please complete the form below to submit. Phone Interested in getting published? Please complete the form below for consideration First Name * Please list your first name as you would like it to appear in the magazine Instagram URL * Last Name * We only publish first names in the magazine. This is just for our records Facebook Page URL Optional Email Address * Will not be published. This is just for us to communicate with you any questions or updates Website URL Optional Please submit 1 photo noting the following: -Photo MUST be Hi-Res (at least 3MB file size) to print clearly. -Images should be professionally shot - no cell phone images or selfies please. -You must have permission from your creative team to publish this image. -Image provided should be portrait orientation (tall, not wide) with no watermarks. -Photo should be "family friendly". Dent does not accept lingerie, implied or nude images. PLEASE NOTE: Cover images are usually pre-selected by invitation. Submitting here will be for publication consideration within the issue. Submissions that do not meet these requirements will be disregarded Upload Photo * Image file must be JPG, PNG or TIFF format Photo Details Photographer Credit * Please include name and Instagram or Website link Creative Team Credits Optional - Can list links to MUA's, Stylists, etc. Include name and IG or Website link