Get Published with Dent!We're accepting submissions for our Publication! Please complete the form below to submit. Order Number Interested in getting published? Please complete the form below for consideration First Name * Please list your first name as you would like it to appear in the magazine Instagram URL * Last Name * We only publish first names in the magazine. This is just for our records Facebook Page URL Optional Email Address * Will not be published. This is just for us to communicate with you any questions or updates Website URL Optional Please submit 1 photo noting the following: -Photo MUST be Hi-Res (at least 3MB file size) to print clearly. -Images should be professionally shot - no cell phone images or selfies please. -You must have permission from your creative team to publish this image. -Image provided should be portrait orientation (tall, not wide) with no watermarks. -Photo should be "family friendly". Dent does not accept lingerie, implied or nude images. PLEASE NOTE: Cover images are usually pre-selected by invitation. Submitting here will be for publication consideration within the issue. Submissions that do not meet these requirements will be disregarded Upload Photo * Image file must be JPG, PNG or TIFF format Photo Details Photographer Credit * Please include name and Instagram or Website link Creative Team Credits Optional - Can list links to MUA's, Stylists, etc. Include name and IG or Website link